The Copper River in Alaska - McCarthy River Tours

Alaska Rafting Multi-Day Trips

Premier River Camping Trips in Alaska's Wilderness - Copper, Tana, Chitina Rivers, & More

Experience Extraordinary Alaska Rafting Trips in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Ever wondered what it is like to lay in a tent on an Alaska rafting trip and listen to the river flow past all night? To lose yourself in awe by the sheer beauty that surrounds you? Or to sit silently from the safety of a boat and watch as bears and moose make their way on the river bank? Our overnight and multi-day Alaska rafting trips immerse you into the untouched Alaskan wilderness and some of the most untamed land in North America.

Getting to McCarthy is a journey in and of itself; why not have a place to chill once you’re here? Combine your Alaskan Adventure with one of our excellent McCarthy, Alaska lodging options.

The Northern Lights - McCarthy River Tours

Copper River Rafting Expeditions - 7 Days

As far as scenic Alaska river trips, Copper River Rafting is truly second to none! As we float, mountains rise around us and the river tumbles toward the ocean. Glaciers began to make their way closer to the river. The glacial scenery culminates with the Childs and Miles Glaciers which simultaneously meet us at river level towards the end of our trip. The most reliable wildlife views of eagles, bears, salmon, and seals. Two glaciers come directly to the water level.
7 days
The Tana River Expedition with McCarthy River Tours

Tana River Rafting Expeditions – 4 & 6 Days

The Tana features some of Alaska’s finest remote, class 4-5, big volume whitewater. This is the ultimate bucket list Alaska river trip for the intrepid adventurer! Starting with a bush plane drop-off downstream of the Tana Glacier, the Tana River rumbles its way down towards the ocean. We’ll begin our trip by exploring the surroundings of this beautiful and unique area. The first day on the river is fairly mellow with some smaller rapids getting us ready for the power ahead. On day two the sheer power of the river meets us, enjoy the ride as your guide expertly rows you thru the big waves or if you like, we’ll bring a paddle boat along and you can enjoy the ride while digging your paddle into some of Alaska’s premier whitewater.
4 & 6 days
McCarthy River Tours - Group of rafters in the Alaskan frontier

Chitina River Rafting Expeditions - 5 & 8 Days

A Chitina River trip is your chance to follow one of the great waterways of Alaska in its entirety. Starting with an unbelievably scenic bush plane flight from the airstrip in McCarthy, our journey begins just downstream from the terminus of the Chitina Glacier. With massive Mount Logan framing the backdrop just across the Canadian border, we will be ready to launch onto one of the greatest wild Alaska river adventures that Wrangell St. Elias National Park has to offer. A remote, wild, and untamed stretch of river, we often do not see another soul for the entirety of our journey. A Chitina River Expedition is an adventure seeker's dream!
5 & 8 Days
The Upper Nizina River - McCarthy River Tours

Nizina River Rafting Expeditions - 4 & 6 Days

Fly out to a classic Alaska river! The trip begins with a bush plane flight from McCarthy & drop-off at Nizina & the terminus of the mighty Nizina Glacier. Spending the first day of the trip at Nizina lake allows for exploration of this recently glaciating area. Miles of the wide-open country make this the ideal trip for hiking exploration of the river. Our river journey begins by negotiating icebergs in the lake, winding our way to the mouth of the Nizina River. Unrivaled beauty surrounds us as the river tumbles downstream. Class II and III whitewater make this a ‘must do’ Alaska river adventure.
4 & 6 Day
The Rivers To Riches Trip - McCarthy River Tours

Rivers to Riches Rafting Expeditions - 3 & 4 Days

The perfect introduction to the amazing world of Alaska wilderness! Our raft trip begins in the small town of McCarthy, just downstream from the Kennicott Glacier. As the Kennicott River leaves the lake at the toe of the glacier it picks up speed as it moves along its unstoppable course towards the ocean. The fast current of the Kennicott River flowing over the shallow gravel shoals of glacier remnants is fun and splashy, providing some high excitement as we negotiate its six-mile course towards the Nizina River. After we merge with the Nizina, the river becomes broader with large rolling waves for the next few miles.
3 & 4 Days
Costa Rica Raft Excursion with McCarthy River Tours

Costa Rica Rafting - 8 Days / 7 Nights

Explore the beauty and enjoy the adventures the land of Costa Rica can offer through an amazing and well-crafted adventure. Our staff will surely make everything be of your liking and make sure you enjoy all the experiences you can do here. Whether it will be rafting, doing sup, yoga, or simply enjoying the scenery. We're sure your trip will be one you won't forget.
8 days
Kennicott Lodge Cabins and Grounds - McCarthy River Tours

McCarthy Lodging Options 

 Getting to McCarthy is a journey in and of itself, why not have a place to chill once you’re here? Combine your Alaskan Adventure with one of our amazing McCarthy, Alaska, lodging options.